Monday, December 13, 2004


If you are Sean Hudson, then you know all about it.

JERomEMCelrOY 05: hey
Jamie91290: hi
JERomEMCelrOY 05: what'd you say?
Jamie91290: hi
JERomEMCelrOY 05: to who?
Jamie91290: to you
JERomEMCelrOY 05: why?
Jamie91290: b/c you said hey to me
JERomEMCelrOY 05: when was this?
Jamie91290: like a few min ago
JERomEMCelrOY 05: i don't remember that
Jamie91290: what are yuo talking about
Jamie91290: look up you said hey to me
JERomEMCelrOY 05: i was trying to talk to steve
JERomEMCelrOY 05: who are you?
Jamie91290: i am the gurl that met you in a chat room
Jamie91290: that asked all the ???
JERomEMCelrOY 05: oooh...were't you from dale?
Jamie91290: no FL
JERomEMCelrOY 05: yeah....that's the same thing as dale
JERomEMCelrOY 05: so what kind of questions were you asking me...because i have a bad memory
Jamie91290: ummmmmmmmmm lost
JERomEMCelrOY 05: excuse me?
JERomEMCelrOY 05: did you just say what i think you said?
Jamie91290: sorry i ment to say lots of ??
JERomEMCelrOY 05: were you trying to trick me?
Jamie91290: no
JERomEMCelrOY 05: you thought you'd get away with it, didn't you?Jamie91290: i was talking to someone else
JERomEMCelrOY 05: so i don't even matter to you?
Jamie91290: yeah you do but i was talking to my best friend to
JERomEMCelrOY 05: i thought we were best friends
JERomEMCelrOY 05: this is the same thing that happened between me and dale
Jamie91290: you and dale?????????????????????
JERomEMCelrOY 05: yeah....dale was my best friend
Jamie91290: ok
Jamie91290: and your point
JERomEMCelrOY 05: he killed himself
Jamie91290: WHAT
JERomEMCelrOY 05: it's true
Jamie91290: ok
Jamie91290: what ever
JERomEMCelrOY 05: you don't even care....can't you see i'm hurting?JERomEMCelrOY 05: i miss dale so much
Jamie91290: i am not going to kill my self i have to many people that love me
JERomEMCelrOY 05: like me?
JERomEMCelrOY 05: i love you
Jamie91290: you love me
JERomEMCelrOY 05: yes
Jamie91290: i dont even no you
Jamie91290: are you ok
JERomEMCelrOY 05: but you asked me lots of questions
Jamie91290: so
JERomEMCelrOY 05: so i thought that meant we were in love
JERomEMCelrOY 05: was i wrong?
Jamie91290: ok whatever
JERomEMCelrOY 05: this is just like what happened between me and dale
Jamie91290: WHAT i am not going to kill my self
JERomEMCelrOY 05: i'm happy for you
Jamie91290: brb
JERomEMCelrOY 05: i wish you a happy birthday
Jamie91290: its not my birthday
JERomEMCelrOY 05: then i wish you a merry christmas
Jamie91290: what have you been smoking
Jamie91290: are you ok
Jamie91290: it is not chrismas
JERomEMCelrOY 05: since when?
Jamie91290: since it is august not december
JERomEMCelrOY 05: what's december have to do with anything?
Jamie91290: sweety you are crazy go to bed or somthing
JERomEMCelrOY 05: i'm not crazy, i'm just not sure why you're talking about christmas and december when it's only august
Jamie91290: you have lost your mind
JERomEMCelrOY 05: you're the one who thinks it's december when it's about 80 degrees outside
Jamie91290: ok bye
JERomEMCelrOY 05: bye
Jamie91290: what is your name
JERomEMCelrOY 05: hello
JERomEMCelrOY 05: back so soon?
Jamie91290: your name is hello
JERomEMCelrOY 05: yes
JERomEMCelrOY 05: no
Jamie91290: oookkkk
JERomEMCelrOY 05: yes
Jamie91290: what is yor nam e
JERomEMCelrOY 05: dale
Jamie91290: dale ????????? i am not dale
Jamie91290: this is not heaven
JERomEMCelrOY 05: you asked me my name, stupid
JERomEMCelrOY 05: my name is dale
Jamie91290: i am not stupid you are the one that said dale killed him self
JERomEMCelrOY 05: what's your point?
Jamie91290: if you are dale than you are the one that killed him self
JERomEMCelrOY 05: do you think he's the only one that had the name dale?
Jamie91290: no
Jamie91290: shut up
JERomEMCelrOY 05: are you the only person in the world named jamie?Jamie91290: no
Jamie91290: shut up
JERomEMCelrOY 05: then quit making fun of my name
Jamie91290: SHUT UP
JERomEMCelrOY 05: who?
Jamie91290: YOU
JERomEMCelrOY 05: who's that?
Jamie91290: YOU
Jamie91290: YOU
Jamie91290: YOU
Jamie91290: YOU
Jamie91290: YOU
Jamie91290: YOU
Jamie91290: YPU
Jamie91290: YOU
JERomEMCelrOY 05: he's not here...but i'll tell him if see him
Jamie91290: SHUT UP
JERomEMCelrOY 05: yours caps lock button is on
Jamie91290: I NO
JERomEMCelrOY 05: you yes?
JERomEMCelrOY 05: or you no?
Jamie91290: YES I NO
JERomEMCelrOY 05: yes you yes...or yes you no?
Jamie91290: YES I KNOW
JERomEMCelrOY 05: oh ok....that's all you had to say
Jamie91290: SHUTBUP
JERomEMCelrOY 05: well i have to go.....i love you
Jamie91290: AND BYE
JERomEMCelrOY 05: i do love you, you're just in denial
JERomEMCelrOY 05: we were meant to be together
JERomEMCelrOY 05: talk to you later, honey
Jamie91290: NO
Jamie91290: NOW
JERomEMCelrOY 05: i'll still love you forever
JERomEMCelrOY 05: and ever
JERomEMCelrOY 05: and ever
JERomEMCelrOY 05: and ever
JERomEMCelrOY 05: and ever
Jamie91290: GO AWAY
Jamie91290 signed off at 5:09:21 PM.

MPOPE1991 (4:53:45 PM): hi this is jamie91290 friend
JERomEMCelrOY 05 (4:54:06 PM): who?
MPOPE1991 (4:54:23 PM): her friend
JERomEMCelrOY 05 (4:54:31 PM): who's friend?
MPOPE1991 (4:54:47 PM): jamie91290
MPOPE1991 (4:55:13 PM): do you know that is
JERomEMCelrOY 05 (4:55:25 PM): no
MPOPE1991 (4:55:34 PM): oh sorry bye
JERomEMCelrOY 05 (4:55:35 PM): do you know who mpope1991 is?
MPOPE1991 (4:55:52 PM): yes that is me
MPOPE1991 (4:56:20 PM): you do know her then
JERomEMCelrOY 05 (4:56:29 PM): i know mpope1991
MPOPE1991 (4:56:47 PM): what is my name
MPOPE1991 (4:56:53 PM): and who are you
JERomEMCelrOY 05 (4:57:02 PM): did you just ask me what your name is?
MPOPE1991 (4:57:21 PM): yes what is it
JERomEMCelrOY 05 (4:57:53 PM): ashanti
MPOPE1991 (4:58:03 PM): no
JERomEMCelrOY 05 (4:58:10 PM): was i close?
MPOPE1991 (4:58:13 PM): are you crazy
MPOPE1991 (4:58:28 PM): no it starts with a b
JERomEMCelrOY 05 (4:58:33 PM): booger
MPOPE1991 (4:58:43 PM): no bye
JERomEMCelrOY 05 (4:59:23 PM): no bye would mean hello

JERomEMCelrOY 05: why's that?
Guybrush777: why's what?
JERomEMCelrOY 05: what are you talking about?
Guybrush777: I dunno
Guybrush777: so, you're just stealing people's bits of info?
Guybrush777: and putting in your own profile?
Guybrush777: because that's genius
JERomEMCelrOY 05: no...that's not even what i'm doing
Guybrush777: what are you doing then?
JERomEMCelrOY 05: what's it look like i'm doing?
Guybrush777: I dunno
JERomEMCelrOY 05: then quit assuming things
Guybrush777: ...I see...sooo....
JERomEMCelrOY 05: so....
Guybrush777: so, what's up with your font?
JERomEMCelrOY 05: what's wrong with it?
Guybrush777: nothing, I was just wondering why you changed it
JERomEMCelrOY 05: because i like this font and color scheme...i think it really matches to my personality
JERomEMCelrOY 05: is that okay with gaybrush?
Guybrush777: it's fine
JERomEMCelrOY 05: when did that happen?
Guybrush777: when did what happen?
JERomEMCelrOY 05: what are you talking about?
Guybrush777: ...I have no idea
JERomEMCelrOY 05: no idea about what?
Guybrush777: about what I'm talkin' about
JERomEMCelrOY 05: you're kinda odd, you know that?
Guybrush777: yeah, a little
JERomEMCelrOY 05: is my name in your info?
Guybrush777: No, not right now
Guybrush777: or is it...?
JERomEMCelrOY 05: you tell me
Guybrush777: Yeah, it is
JERomEMCelrOY 05: why?
Guybrush777: You told me to put in i
Guybrush777: it in*
JERomEMCelrOY 05: i think you're making things up
JERomEMCelrOY 05: how do you know it wasn't a different blair?
Guybrush777: :-
JERomEMCelrOY 05: what's that supposed to mean?
JERomEMCelrOY 05: gotta go
JERomEMCelrOY 05: bye bye
Guybrush777: ibye

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