Monday, December 13, 2004


This is my brother talking to some chick. I found it saved on the computer.

dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:14:13 PM): hi
letmelive82 (8:14:18 PM): hi
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:14:24 PM): asl
letmelive82 (8:14:34 PM): 15/m/in
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:14:39 PM): 15/f/pa
letmelive82 (8:15:11 PM): you cyber?
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:15:15 PM): yea
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:15:22 PM): u want 2
letmelive82 (8:15:27 PM): do you?
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:15:39 PM): yea if u want me to make u real hard
letmelive82 (8:15:46 PM): yeah
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:15:51 PM): ok
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:16:17 PM): well do u got a long dic
letmelive82 (8:18:28 PM): sorry about that
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:18:31 PM): its ok
letmelive82 (8:18:47 PM): where were we?
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:18:59 PM): how long is ur dic
letmelive82 (8:19:07 PM): about 8 inches
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:19:28 PM): o0o baby
letmelive82 (8:19:53 PM): and i want it in you
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:19:55 PM): i want to get on my knees between ur legs and swirl my tounge aroung ur lond dic
letmelive82 (8:20:20 PM): what else
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:21:04 PM): i would stick ur dic so0o far down my thoath suckin it so0o hard
letmelive82 (8:21:41 PM): uh huh
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:22:00 PM): i would move faster in faster up and down makin ur dic so0o hard
letmelive82 (8:22:21 PM): where would i put it then?
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:22:54 PM): i would take it out my mouth and put it in my drippin pussy
letmelive82 (8:23:10 PM): oh yeah
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:23:12 PM): it would slide in and out so0o fast cuz im so0o0o wet
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:23:29 PM): i would moan and scream how it feel so0o good
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:23:55 PM): my ass would jiggle as i bounced on ur long dic faster and faster
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:24:49 PM): my big tits would b bouncin in ur face as i ride ur dic
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:25:32 PM): ur dic is getin harder and harder as i grind my soakin wet pussy on it so0o hard pushing it in so0o far
letmelive82 (8:27:43 PM): keep goin
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:28:38 PM): i would bend over and let u hit it from the bac
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:29:48 PM): my fat ass would b in ur face as u pound ur lond dic in my pussy
letmelive82 (8:30:50 PM): how would we cum?
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:30:54 PM): u pull ur dic out and im jerkin it so0o fast then i dtick it in my mouth
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:33:43 PM): o0o i would take ur dic and stick it in my pussy u would b so0o hard
letmelive82 (8:34:01 PM): how would we cum?
letmelive82 (8:34:20 PM): where would i?
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:35:11 PM): i would b grindin on ur dic and i would scream as my pussy started cumin all over ur dic
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:36:15 PM): as iim screamin u push ya dic in farther and harder as u cum all in my pussy

letmelive82 (11:39:02 PM): hey
dazAg9iNh0lLa (11:39:07 PM): hey
dazAg9iNh0lLa (11:39:23 PM): who dis b
letmelive82 (11:39:51 PM): you cybered with me about a week ago
letmelive82 (11:40:01 PM): sorry about leaving so suddenly
dazAg9iNh0lLa signed off at 11:40:11 PM.

This one is Stefan talking to this chick.

dazAg9iNh0lLa: huh?
American Jesuss: asi
American Jesuss: l
dazAg9iNh0lLa: u first how u get this s/n
American Jesuss: you talked to me before, on some other name
American Jesuss: letmelive
dazAg9iNh0lLa: o0o ok
American Jesuss: wait a minute
American Jesuss: why did i ask asl
dazAg9iNh0lLa: i dontkno lol
American Jesuss: will you be on tonight?
dazAg9iNh0lLa: yea probably
American Jesuss: alright, i'll talk to you tonight, cool?
dazAg9iNh0lLa: aight
American Jesuss: ;-)
American Jesuss: i'll talk a little more this time
dazAg9iNh0lLa: uhuh

This is me talking to her.

JERomEMCelrOY 05 (8:46:12 PM): hello titties
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:46:26 PM): who dis?
JERomEMCelrOY 05 (8:46:36 PM): did it work?
JERomEMCelrOY 05 (8:47:14 PM): thats right
JERomEMCelrOY 05 (8:47:21 PM): i have a penis
JERomEMCelrOY 05 (8:48:02 PM): his name is steve
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:49:20 PM): i said who is dis?
JERomEMCelrOY 05 (8:49:40 PM): this is letmelive82
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:49:43 PM): who is this???
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:49:43 PM): how did u get my sceen name?
JERomEMCelrOY 05 (8:50:20 PM): i wound up on this island after my airship crashed and got eaten by a piano
dazAg9iNh0lLa (8:59:03 PM): so0o thats how u say hi to some1
JERomEMCelrOY 05 (8:59:20 PM): not anymore
dazAg9iNh0lLa (9:03:15 PM): well i got to go

Zack Attack

Jach of Burmania: did u cyber with letmelive82
dazAg9iNh0lLa: y
Jach of Burmania: cause he's my brother and he misses you
dazAg9iNh0lLa: lol
dazAg9iNh0lLa: really
Jach of Burmania: yea people call me steve
dazAg9iNh0lLa: k
Jach of Burmania: so was it good
dazAg9iNh0lLa: ask ya brother?
Jach of Burmania: he jusdt smiles when i mention it
Jach of Burmania: so are you a girl or is my brother gay
dazAg9iNh0lLa: im a GIRL lol
Jach of Burmania: you aren't lying
Jach of Burmania: cause he has guys stay over all the time
Jach of Burmania: and they sleep in the same bed
Jach of Burmania: naked
dazAg9iNh0lLa: no im a girl truthfully
dazAg9iNh0lLa: r u serious
dazAg9iNh0lLa: naked
Jach of Burmania: yes
dazAg9iNh0lLa: wow
Jach of Burmania: so how do you go about cybering with someone
Jach of Burmania: especially a confused child
dazAg9iNh0lLa: r u sure ya broth wants me 2 tell u
dazAg9iNh0lLa: brother
Jach of Burmania: yea i tell him about my amatuer porn career
Jach of Burmania: so are you going to tell me
Jach of Burmania: hello
Jach of Burmania: so you didn't tell me you were a gangsta

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